
Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

How to Really Listen

So often, we enter conversations from a defensive perspective. In this reactionary mode, we are not engaged with anyone except for ourselves. We are not listening. What if I told you there’s an easier, less stressful, more effective way to approach challenging and stressful conversations? Let me introduce you to the concept of deep listening.

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

How to Generate New Business during a Dry Spell

If you’re a small business owner or solo entrepreneur, you’ve likely been in this scenario before: business is slow, you’re in a dry spell, you feel stuck or bored, and there’s a sense of staleness around work. You know that something needs to change. Through more than 20 years of running my own coaching practice, I’ve been through many of these lulls, and am here to share with you what I’ve learned.

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Gut Check: Should You Quit Your Job?

August is a chance to check in with yourself before heading full force into the fall. It’s the perfect time to reconnect with yourself and assess your level of happiness with the work you do, the job you have, the team you’re on, the manager you have, and the company you’re with. Start with a gut check.

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

How to Integrate the Many Parts of YOU

We each have shadow selves, which often stem from trauma, neglect, and painful experiences within our family of origin. Acknowledging and working with these shadow parts allows them to heal and then become integrated parts of us.

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Imposter Syndrome (And How to Conquer It)

Imposter syndrome is an internal experience of self-sabotage and inadequacy that can keep some of the smartest and most capable among us from reaching their potential. Learn about its causes and symptoms — and how to overcome it.

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

How to Deal With Your Annoying Coworker

At some point or another, we’ve all felt wronged, annoyed, frustrated, repelled, or angry because of someone we work with. How do you deal with them? Here’s the secret: you won’t find the answer by analyzing the other person. You have to look within.

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

What Do Executive Women Want?

Each gender faces its own uphill battle when rising into leadership positions. Women in particular have been facing up to a significant plight. Over the past five years, I have focused a part of my practice on group coaching for executive women. Through this work, two themes have surfaced…

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Following Through

Goals, commitments, resolutions… we set them, we intend to achieve them — and for many of us, some of our best set plans to follow through get consciously or unconsciously derailed. What is at the root of our lack of follow through? How do we close the gap between our intentions and our goals?

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (EQ): The Making of a Ninja Mind…

When considering success at work or in life, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is proven to be equal to (if not more important than) IQ. Yet, EQ can evade even some of the smartest and most “successful” leaders because mastery is challenging to consistently achieve. To do so, we must cultivate a nimble, present, ninja mind.

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Leaders: How to Shore up Your Team for 2023

As the New Year begins, it’s an important time for leaders to reconnect with their vision and strategy. Where are you going? How will you get there? Do you still have the right team in place to ensure success?

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Political Navigation at Work

The currency you have in any work environment is the solidity, strength, and authenticity of the relationships you build. Who are the people who have your back and are looking out for you? Who is going to teach you and, ultimately, help you grow?

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Living an Integrated Life

A perfectly “balanced” life between work and life requires tracking how we spend our time and ensuring that it's split fairly in all areas. But what if an equal division is not what we really need or want? And what if our current reality makes “balance” impossible?

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg


MONEY. It’s a topic that is often taboo and avoided even in some of our most intimate relationships — including the relationship we have with ourselves. Why is money wrapped up with so much emotion, stress, and sometimes, shame?

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Navigating Office Politics and Conflict.