
Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Gut Check: Should You Quit Your Job?

August is a chance to check in with yourself before heading full force into the fall. It’s the perfect time to reconnect with yourself and assess your level of happiness with the work you do, the job you have, the team you’re on, the manager you have, and the company you’re with. Start with a gut check.

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

How to Integrate the Many Parts of YOU

We each have shadow selves, which often stem from trauma, neglect, and painful experiences within our family of origin. Acknowledging and working with these shadow parts allows them to heal and then become integrated parts of us.

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Can You Change Your Stripes?

Behavioral change is one of the greatest challenges we face in the attempt to reach our potential. My work as a transformational coach is centered around helping strong-willed adults and leaders…

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Navigating the Return of FOMO

Anxiety. Mine has been bad lately. Chest heavy angst like something is not quite right, like something might go wrong, like I’m not quite good enough. This kind of anxiety is isolating, the kind you…

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

The Truth About Lies

Lies… Studies show that men and women lie about 30 percent of the time in any given week, and up to one fifth of our social interactions are moderately to severely deceitful. Lying is proven to cause…

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Navigating Office Politics and Conflict.