
Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Imposter Syndrome (And How to Conquer It)

Imposter syndrome is an internal experience of self-sabotage and inadequacy that can keep some of the smartest and most capable among us from reaching their potential. Learn about its causes and symptoms — and how to overcome it.

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

How to Deal With Your Annoying Coworker

At some point or another, we’ve all felt wronged, annoyed, frustrated, repelled, or angry because of someone we work with. How do you deal with them? Here’s the secret: you won’t find the answer by analyzing the other person. You have to look within.

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

What Do Executive Women Want?

Each gender faces its own uphill battle when rising into leadership positions. Women in particular have been facing up to a significant plight. Over the past five years, I have focused a part of my practice on group coaching for executive women. Through this work, two themes have surfaced…

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Following Through

Goals, commitments, resolutions… we set them, we intend to achieve them — and for many of us, some of our best set plans to follow through get consciously or unconsciously derailed. What is at the root of our lack of follow through? How do we close the gap between our intentions and our goals?

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (EQ): The Making of a Ninja Mind…

When considering success at work or in life, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is proven to be equal to (if not more important than) IQ. Yet, EQ can evade even some of the smartest and most “successful” leaders because mastery is challenging to consistently achieve. To do so, we must cultivate a nimble, present, ninja mind.

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Leaders: How to Shore up Your Team for 2023

As the New Year begins, it’s an important time for leaders to reconnect with their vision and strategy. Where are you going? How will you get there? Do you still have the right team in place to ensure success?

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

RELATIONSHIP HYGIENE: Closing Out 2022 With a Clean Slate

This year, I invite you to take an intentional and specific approach to closing out 2022 and release some important mental weight. Instead of a vast reflection of all the good and not-so-good elements of this year, I recommend honing in one area alone: your relationships.

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Mentoring — Giving Back and Gaining Joy

One of the most powerful ways to exercise generosity as a professional is to become a mentor. I challenge you to consider taking on a mentoring role as an opportunity to teach, coach, provide feedback, and share your knowledge with someone else… all resulting in community building, a greater sense of purpose, learning (on both sides), and increased levels of joy.

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Fostering a Culture of Trust

What is trust, what does it feel like, how do we foster it, what derails it? These are essential questions for any leader to consider as they forge a path to organizational success. Trust is at the foundation of all healthy, successful teams; without it, your team and your organization will not reach its full potential.

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

At the “Center” of Inspirational Leadership

Do you know what the one trait is that employees want most in their leader? This attribute is at the “center” of inspirational leadership… Keep reading to learn what it is — and deepen your own ability to connect and inspire.

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Defining the Essence of You

Your brand is what makes the essence of you tangible to the world around you. It’s what you’re known for. It’s how you speak, how you act, and what you stand for. But it also goes deeper…

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Drop Your Ego & Discover Your Purpose

“I want to find my purpose!” From CEOs to rising Gen Zs, this desire has been at the heart of almost all of my client discussions over the past year. There seems to be a driving, collective shift in…

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

How Gratitude Can Change Your Life

Gratitude — we’re surrounded by the concept every day. Hashtags on Instagram, an “I’m so blessed” overheard at the grocery store, society telling us to “be grateful for what you have.” We’re even…

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Playing with Conflict

When conflicts arise in our relationships at home and at work, they are almost always pointing to something trying to shift, something trying to happen. Too often our discomfort with conflict creates…

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Can You Change Your Stripes?

Behavioral change is one of the greatest challenges we face in the attempt to reach our potential. My work as a transformational coach is centered around helping strong-willed adults and leaders…

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Navigating the Return of FOMO

Anxiety. Mine has been bad lately. Chest heavy angst like something is not quite right, like something might go wrong, like I’m not quite good enough. This kind of anxiety is isolating, the kind you…

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Navigating Office Politics and Conflict.