
Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Defining the Essence of You

Your brand is what makes the essence of you tangible to the world around you. It’s what you’re known for. It’s how you speak, how you act, and what you stand for. But it also goes deeper…

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Drop Your Ego & Discover Your Purpose

“I want to find my purpose!” From CEOs to rising Gen Zs, this desire has been at the heart of almost all of my client discussions over the past year. There seems to be a driving, collective shift in…

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Can You Change Your Stripes?

Behavioral change is one of the greatest challenges we face in the attempt to reach our potential. My work as a transformational coach is centered around helping strong-willed adults and leaders…

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

The Truth About Lies

Lies… Studies show that men and women lie about 30 percent of the time in any given week, and up to one fifth of our social interactions are moderately to severely deceitful. Lying is proven to cause…

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Navigating Office Politics and Conflict.