
Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Political Navigation at Work

The currency you have in any work environment is the solidity, strength, and authenticity of the relationships you build. Who are the people who have your back and are looking out for you? Who is going to teach you and, ultimately, help you grow?

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Living an Integrated Life

A perfectly “balanced” life between work and life requires tracking how we spend our time and ensuring that it's split fairly in all areas. But what if an equal division is not what we really need or want? And what if our current reality makes “balance” impossible?

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Kristine Steinberg Kristine Steinberg

Seeking Stillness to Find the Answers

Let’s embrace the New Year as a blank canvas and a clean slate. To do that we have to release the past, accept what is, and reduce the stress that can cloud our realm of possibility. You may feel…

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Navigating Office Politics and Conflict.